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Aboriginal Acknowledgement Week

Aboriginal Program LogoBurnaby Mountain will be celebrating Aboriginal Acknowledgement Week on Feb.6th to 10th.  The week, aimed at raising awareness about Aboriginal cultures and worldviews, features a series of presentations, activities and lessons.

Indigenous storyteller Dallas Yellowfly brings “Qwalena: The Wild Woman Who Steals Children” to life in a unique theatrical presentation.  This presentation creates awareness on the inter-generational impact of Indian residential schools.

Melanie Coon will be working with the dance department to introduce and teach fancy shawl dancing to students.   Click here to see a picture of the dance students at work.

“The Outside Circle” by Patti LaBoucane-Benson tells the story of two Aboriginal brothers trying to overcome centuries of historic trauma and create positive change in their lives.  Select classes will discuss and explore themes from both the graphic novel and the presentation; Qwalena.